Turmeric’s active oil “curcumin” is said to be incredibly effective as an anti~inflammatory, anti arthritis, anti~depressant, anti~tumor, Joint lubricating, lactic acid removing, digestive aiding, compound. When we grow Turmeric in our garden we give it the ultimate care and energize our soils with biodynamic preparations and minerals to enhance the strength and vibrance of our Turmeric!
REAL Honey is incredibly good for reducing allergies when the bees are allowed to forage on local wildflowers, native flora, fruit trees, garden blossoms and Turmeric Blossoms. It is especially important to note that our bees do not ever get shipped across the country to groves of unknown purity from pesticides. Our bees are only fed their own honey in winter, not HFCS or BEE FEED BLOCKS from unknown sources. I believe that this makes our Honey an exclusive beautiful and tasty product not found elsewhere.
While all of this is great I can only tell you what it does for me! Since taking turmeric which I grow, I No longer wake up with stiffness in my neck, soreness in my knees, arthritic pain in my hands, acute sciatic pain or stiff shoulders!! Now I am also very aware that my diet which consists of lots of local and “MY”garden grown vegetables has an affect on my wellness and overall wellbeing and health. Using Turmeric Honey as a sweetener in my hot teas, coffee, desserts and salads is quite the treat!
Did I mention~ Kids Love GreenMans Garden Turmeric Honey!
You Will Love it Too!!! Promise!!!